What is plain English?

In my eyes, plain English is the art of making words easy to understand.

There’s nothing worse than trying to read a piece of content because of a long word or a nominalisation.

You see that word nominalisation – I bet you are trying to sound it out and wondering what it means.

These words that disturb your flow of reading need to be cut and gone for good.

Writing in plain English also helps your reader grab what they need and action it.

This could be as simple as saying, ‘if you have chest pain, call 999’.

That’s good plain English. It’s not making you panic or worry. It’s giving you a clear action.

A call to action is often a few words, such as ‘click here to order’.

The fewer words you use and the shorter they are, the more likely it is that you’re using plain English.

I’ll write an article about punctuation marks and long sentences in a future blog.

Let me know if you want more on plain English 🙂

[This blog has a grade 4 readability on hemingwayapp.com]

[This blog has an informal 5 points, optimistic 4 points and confident 3 points rating on Grammarly’s tone detector]

3 responses to “What is plain English?”

  1. It’s true, hard writing is easy reading, and vice versa. Sometimes simple works are the hardest to write. Thanks for this post, and looking forward to future posts on plain English!

    1. Thank you Stuart for your kind comment 🙂
      I completely agree!
      More coming up soon 🙂

  2. […] is also the enemy of plain English. It makes reading harder to understand, so your reader is likely to walk away. They’ll miss […]

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